FlyingKids Tribe's post — travel with kids
You Can Totally Do This (Do’s and Don’ts of Great Family Travel)
FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Getting Prepared travel with kids

By Our Squad Abroad We love travelling with our kids, to see the world through their eyes is magical and inspiring, and family travel has provided so many special experiences for our family, but it certainly doesn’t come without its fair share of growing pains. We have been travelling full time for six months now, and we have learned so much since that cold morning when raced to the airport at 4 am for our first big fight of the trip. First off, we no longer book flights 4am, but that isn’t the only thing we’ve learned. Here...
We have a confession to make – we never intended to travel with our child.
FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Inspiring stories travel with kids Travel With The Butlers

By Travel With The Butlers If someone would have asked our newlywed selves about our future travel plans, we would have said that we would travel without our child until around the age of ten. It seemed logical. Traveling can be expensive, and who wants to spend that kind of money on trips that the kid(s) will not even remember. Then our daughter was born, and our thoughts changed. We were not willing to leave her at home nor were we willing to give up traveling. Shortly before our daughter was born, a friend casually mentioned that our child would...