FlyingKids Tribe's post — Getting Prepared
Eating Healthy while Traveling – 5 Tips
Adventure CAMPitelli FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Getting Prepared
By Adventure CAMPitelli A healthy lifestyle is very important to our family and we found it’s a little trickier on the road where there are unfamiliar foods and not always accessible grocery stores. Here are 5 tips that helped keep us on track: 1. Pack Healthy Snacks In A Day Pack This included packing snacks in our suitcases. A box or two of protein bars can work wonders as a meal replacement while exploring. Kids are always hungry, so we loaded up on crackers, popcorn, dried fruits, nut free granola bars, applesauce, and other portable snacks. At various destinations,...
You Can Totally Do This (Do’s and Don’ts of Great Family Travel)
FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Getting Prepared travel with kids
By Our Squad Abroad We love travelling with our kids, to see the world through their eyes is magical and inspiring, and family travel has provided so many special experiences for our family, but it certainly doesn’t come without its fair share of growing pains. We have been travelling full time for six months now, and we have learned so much since that cold morning when raced to the airport at 4 am for our first big fight of the trip. First off, we no longer book flights 4am, but that isn’t the only thing we’ve learned. Here...
8 Useful tips to survive the airport passage with little kids
flight with kids Flights and transportation FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Getting Prepared Traveling on Purpose
By Traveling On Purpose Family travel is great!! You make memories, spend quality time together, and experience different cultures. At the same time, it can be a nerve-wreaking, stressful, chaotic experience with little ones! The airport part is always the most anxiety-filled part of the trip for me. My husband is the one who is more laid back in this department! So we put a few tips together that helpmake the traveling experience more comfortable for toddlers and us. 1. Travel seat The Lugabug, which is a travel seat that you attach right to your luggage. A child can weight...
Five Things Kids Learn from Travelling
Eat Pray Love Play family travel family vacation FlyingKids Tribe FlyingKids Tribe Blog Getting Prepared Traveling Tips
By Eat Pray Love Play Although I cannot deny that there are valuable lessons that children are taught at school, the life lessons I have witnessed my children experience while travelling has been priceless! Here are five of these nuggets of wisdom. Diversity in The World Seeing with their own eyes, people who look different, dress differently and speak differently, will educate children on the diversity of the human race more than any movie or book ever will. Appreciation for Their Privilege When kids witness first-hand what a less privileged lifestyle looks like, they have far more appreciation for the...