Turn your kids from "backseat electronic-device users" to your family tour guides

Activities Family family travel Getting Prepared kids activities Planning travel activities travel games travel with kids

Traveling with kids is like a roller coaster ride. It’s exciting, thrilling, and yet scary. Not only do you worry about packing their stuff, you also have to think about how kids are going to deal with the whole experience of travel. No matter how well behaved, no kid will be the perfect angel... especially when cooped up in a car, train, or plane. Are they going to like the place? Will they get enough sleep? Will they get bored? Will they leave their electronic devices and focus on the new destination and family adventure? What about culture-shock? Will they enjoy exploring new things and places?

The whole travel experience can be wonderful for our children ... when we help them get prepared and let them know the itinerary and what they can expect.


Our experience as adults vs. our kids’ experience

As an adult, you are the decision maker. You’re the one who chooses the destination. You chose the plan, the time and the travel style. Your preparation process probably includes more than a few online searches; reading various blogs; checking Trip-Advisor or other websites for reviews and more information on everything from food to what to see to where to stay.

But it’s different for kids. Very different.

Chances are, the younger your kids – the less involved they will be in the travel planning process. And this makes them less engaged prior to and during your trip.

So whether you’re traveling locally or abroad, making sure your kids have a clear idea of where they are going enables them to get excited and prepare emotionally and mentally for their big family adventure.

If your kids are between about 6 to 10 years, you’ll need to encourage them to learn and become excited about their upcoming travel adventure. Making your kids a part of the learning and planning process does more than make them feel a real part of the trip; it piques their curiosity to learn more. And the more they learn about your destination – the more they become excited and internalize what they’ve learned about a new country and culture.

While there are plenty of downloadable travel activities online, the key to appealing to a kid’s attention is finding information and learning activities that capture and hold their imagination.

Make your kids an enthusiastic learners. Whether from home or while traveling.

For all those reasons and to answer all of those questions and concern, the Kids’ Travel Guide series was created. And it isn’t designed only for road trips, long flights or family vacations. It’s actually a great educational tool that can be used by children at home or in school.

Geography is fascinating. And kids get hooked on it.

Learning about different cultures is enriching and fascinating. And kids love it because it appeals to their imagination.

Kids like discovering new places and learning about history and other people - they just need the right tool to make them curious and enthusiastic learners.

kids learn in the backseat

What can you expect from this book?

A personal guide and companion for your kids

As a parent who might be new to a certain place and shares the same level of curiosity about things to discover, you understand the need to give the kids their own personalized traveling companion.

Leonardo is exactly that.

Leonardo FlyingKids

Leonardo is your child’s very own fun loving travel guide. He answers questions; shares travel tips and things to do, see, and eat; he asks questions; plays trivia and other word and number games, and helps your kids document their trip through written memories and photos. He’ll even help them plan what to pack.

Your kids become little experts

More than a traveling companion, the Kids’ Travel Guide shares interesting facts about your destination: where in the world it is located, what you’re about to see, the most popular tourist attractions, the country’s capital city, beaches, flags and symbols, weather, and borders. And there’s more! Ancient history (yes, even history can be fun for kids), country’s or city’s landmarks, culture and customs, world-famous cuisines, and some of the most important words in the country’s language.

kids' travel guide Japan Sample page    Kids travel guide - Paris sample page

The best thing about the Kids’ Travel Guide series is that information is presented in a fun way that your kids really get into.  And when kids have fun... they learn.

Your Kids’ Travel Guide becomes a diary and a special souvenir

One of the most important aspects of any holiday is that kids, like adults, experience and acquire important life lessons. Things like how to interact politely with other people even if you speak a different language; how to appreciate the beauty and uniqueness in every place you visit, and how to treasure the experiences you’ve shared as a family. In the Kids’ Travel Guide there are sections throughout the book where the kids can write their insights, plus a few blank pages for self-reflection and/or journalism.

kids journal  Australia journal

Pssst - It’s also a great way for parents to learn more about their children and get a peek into their minds, what they are thinking, and what they are feeling.

The Kid’s Travel Guide series is full of many fun and interesting activities for kids to enjoy. It’s an all-in-one package that is sure to make your family’s trip (or learning journey from home) exciting and meaningful.

Take a look inside...

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  • Wanda Lopez on

    We love traveling with the kids; specially road trips. Books are the best thing to bring along. Will have to check out this books and keep them in the car for them to grab anytime. We also love sing along and games while on road trips. Kids grow up so fast.

  • Megwyn F on

    I definitely agree on this! I also bought books which are already in the car and also one in the bag for places and their histories! They absolutely love reading about culture now and how it goes in other countries.

  • Stacey on

    I love this product. I have always tried to do this with my kids. I believe they will learn and have more fun if they are invested— had a hand in the planning—in the trip too

  • kafeel on

    thanks for sharing!!

  • Terri Beavers on

    My kids are always wild for long rides. I’ll have to try this, I know they will love this. They always love to help so giving directions would be the best part of the trip for them.

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