Labyrinth Children’s Museum

Berlin Destinations Germany Labyrinth Children’s Museum

Berlin, Germany


Labyrinth Kinder Museum is one of the largest museums dedicated to children in the entire Germany, the Labyrinth Children’s Museum in the Osloer Factory Street offers your little ones a few hours of learning by playing, a concept very much used by the similar locations worldwide for its great results.

Children’s native curiosity is well rewarded, involving them in fairy tales, workshops about surrounding nature, health, cultures around the world, even human rights – all presented in an easy to understand manner.

Labyrinth Children’s Museum also hosts numerous workshops for kids, where they can get familiar with food and spices from most exotic places, wear and feel different clothing and fabrics, build eco-friendly day-to-day articles. If visiting Berlin, this Museum really deserves a stop by with your children!

Things you need to know when taking the kids: 

  • Exhibits and activities are designed for children between three and twelve years of age;
  • Themes of the interactive exhibitions are changed periodically, but you can check their website to see the calendar;
  • For individual visits, the Museum is usually opened only Friday to Sunday;
  • Most exhibitions are available both in English and German languages.

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  • Illuseum Berlin on

    Great Information. Thanks for Sharing.

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